Tuesday, July 21, 2009

portable restrooms

so last august 31, my beautiful wife leigh and i got married. it was a whole big production. we did everything ourselves from renting the chairs to making the table settings, etc... one of the very few things i was in charge of (leigh is extremely smart and knew to keep things very basic for me. leigh=p.h.d. candidate in literature at B.U., me=drinks wine for a living and cracks up when someone says, "doo-doo." you do the math.) was the portable toilets. yes, i had several conversations with several purveyors of portable toilets. how big? how many? how much? how many flushes? does it need a water source? is it heated? air conditioned? sinks, no sinks? electricity? i wound up renting a portable toilet for 975 DOLLARS! that's right--975 DOLLARS! my theory is that EVERYTHING having to do with a wedding costs 500, 1000, 2000 or 4000 dollars. chairs: 500$, tablecloths: 500$, toilets: 1000$, tent: 4000$, etc...

anyway my point is this: i have just received in the mail a "reminder card" that states "it's time to reserve your portable restroom services again for august 2009." as if going to the bathroom outside is now an annual event for me. "YAY! it's august! someone call the portable restroom guy!"

i'm not sure what that has to do about food or wine, but stay tuned for some great food and wine pairings coming up tomorrow!

reserve now,

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