Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Secrets of Sangria

Despite New England's best efforts, Summer IS upon us, and with that comes the onset of Sangria. Now I'm not one to be all tied up int tradition, but, for me, Summer is about a few key things: Brooklyn Summer Ale, oysters at The Salty Dog, luke warm Fenway Franks, Bill Ashe's Lounge on Revere Beach and Sangria. It is in that spirit that banQ restaurant is poised to introduce its "Two for Tuesdays": a pitcher of Sangria for two and an Appetizer for $20! All brought to you courtesy of Domingo--the leopard spotted boston bartending icon that we welcomed with much pomp and circumstance to banQ mere weeks ago! I'm very excited to get to work tonight, as Domingo and I will be experimenting with different Sangria recipes to kick things off this Tuesday. There will be much mixing and concocting and I would not be surprised if some Sangria was available for sampling (i.e. free. get it?) Azure will be her most convivial self, as always, and your's truly will be watching over the "Sunday Night Wine Club" presenting superior wines at ridiculous prices. All the wines on the S.N.W.C. list are offered AT COST to anyone having dinner. It really is the best deal in the city for wine geeks (I can say that. I AM one!) So come into banQ tonight and watch the Sox sweep the dirty National League Phillies and have a glass of Txakoli with me!

All hail Jason Bay,

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